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"Totals Report" vs "Payout Report"
Updated this week

At a high level:

  • Your "Totals Report" is found on your Yetipay device

    • This reports on the total amount that has been "received" by the machine. In essence this is the value of all the transactions processed on your card reader since you last "reset your totals"

  • Your "Payout Report" is accessed through Basecamp

    • This is the report that showcases in ore detail the payment amounts, any disputes or chargebacks and shows you the amount that should be deposited in your bank account (the subtotals amount)

The best way to think about it is that the "Totals Report" only shows you the amount that the machine has processed in a period whereas the "Payout Report" shows you the amount you are owed for a given period of transactions.

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